Silver 500 oz American Eagle - Monster Box
Silver 500 oz American Eagle - Monster Box
Silver 500 oz American Eagle - Monster Box
Silver 500 oz American Eagle - Monster Box

Silver 500 oz American Eagle – Monster Box

In 1792, silver was first minted into dollar coins. Today, the number one silver bullion coin in the world is the Silver American Eagle. Silver Eagles are tangible and beautiful investments. They are .999 fine silver, the finest silver coins ever issued by the US. Each box comes sealed directly from the United States Mint. The monster box contains 25 sealed tubes (each containing 20 coins) for a total of 500 troy ounces. Picture is a likeness only.

Starting at

$ 17,599.80

1 unit for NY or delivery

As low as

$ 17,526.40

500+ for NY or delivery

Included Services:

On-Demand Delivery

Secure Storage

Liquidity: Sell Online


* Price based on average quote; actual execution is usually lower. Volume discounts also available. See our app for real-time pricing.

Global Pricing:

New York

Purchase Amount
$1,000.00 – $499,999.99
$500,000.00 – $999,999.99

Salt Lake City

Purchase Amount
Up to $499,999.99
$500,000.00 – $999,999.99

Invest in whole bars and coins, stored in the world’s most secure non-bank vaults. Then get them delivered whenever you want.

Storage rates are the same for all vaults: 0.7%/year of average daily asset value for gold, platinum, and palladium, and 0.8%/year for silver, or lower for higher value accounts.

$5/month minimum per account; waived for accounts with MetalStream activated. Storage is billed quarterly.

Standard of Quality

Powerful Online Marketplace

There are many places to buy precious metals online. We think we’re the best. Hard Assets Alliance was founded by experienced professional investors who care about trust and transparency above all else. We aren’t a dealer, and that’s the difference. Instead, we bring dealers, refiners, and banks onto our marketplace. Every time you place an order, they bid against each other to win your business.

Hard Assets Alliance works for you—the investor. Our goal is to get you better availability and the best price on gold, silver, and other precious metals.


What Smart Investors Are Saying…

Hard Assets Alliance - Testimonial - Byron K.

“Right now, considering what’s happening across the US economy and working its way around the world, you simply must own gold and silver. Find out more about HAA… With that, I rest my case.”

Byron K.
Hard Assets Alliance - Testimonial - Tom M.

“The ability to use small amounts of cash on a monthly basis to buy physical gold and silver at good prices—and have them stored both in Singapore and New York—is a great capability for someone trying to build up a holding on an incremental basis.“

Tom M.
Hard Assets Alliance - Testimonial - Patrick B.

“I have had reason to call your customer support a few times and I have always been courteous and quick responses to my inquiries. Thank you for doing a great job.”

Patrick B.
Hard Assets Alliance - Testimonial - Fred K.

“I have used HAA only twice, but both times is was easy to transfer money and purchase gold and silver for delivery. The prices were quickly established and compared reasonably well with other sites.”

Fred K.
Hard Assets Alliance - Testimonial - Gene K.

“I love the ability to store and trade on HAA and I feel they are safe. The liquid nature of your platform is vital to me as I am more and more concerned about having my cash sit in banks.”

Gene K.