Actual Gold That’s
Actually Yours
More tangible. Always transparent.
Hard Assets Alliance Introduction
Investors who own gold have earned higher overall returns than those who don’t. Learn why Hard Assets Alliance is the new standard in gold.

“If you’ve ever been frustrated buying precious metals online, you’ll find Hard Assets Alliance refreshingly different.”

“— it [HAA site] provides far and away the simplest method to buy, sell, store or even take delivery of precious metals. If you’ve gone through hassles elsewhere, you’ll find Hard Assets Alliance a refreshing departure.”

“Simply, the SmartMetals account brings together the latest in secure technology and ultra-efficient process to reduce costs and to take the hassle and uncertainty out of owning precious metals.”
Our Promise
Around Here, We Do Things a Little Differently.

100% Hard Assets
On other platforms, your investment is just a piece of paper. Here, it’s 100% real, with zero counterparty risk.

Total Transparency
Every investment is audited. Insured. Sitting in a vault. Seen on a statement. Delivered whenever you want.

Easy, Safe & Effective
The perfect one-two combo of simplicity and security. Get started, fund your account, and diversify with confidence.

Building a Better Way
Hard Assets Alliance was started by long-time investing professionals who saw the potential in gold, but also saw a lot of shortcomings in the gold industry. We set out to make true physical gold a first-class financial asset.
To accomplish this, we had to make it electronically traded, in a competitive marketplace, with good price discovery and a best-execution guarantee. The gold needed to be liquid like a stock or bond, stored in the institutional class third-party vaults… all without the compromises of ETFs and fractional bar schemes. This way we could be an agent for our customers, and make zero compromises while protecting their wealth.
Our platform is now the standard for the world’s largest wealth managers, providing real, physical precious metals to their clients, for independent registered investment advisors large and small, and for our direct customers here on Hard Assets Alliance.
Our Alliance Partners
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